Overall 887 students of MSc Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Biological and Medicine Sciences got degrees while 281 students of MPhil and 115 of PhD received degrees. Four students of Faculty of Medicine Sciences were presented degrees on completion of their MS/MD/MDS.
About 135 medals along with Chancellors Medal and President’ Gold Medal were also awarded to the graduates who have shown unusual performance in their academics. Chairman Senate, Nayyar Hussain Bokhari was chief guest on this occasion. He said youth is the strength for national development and they must emphasis on attainment of knowledge and research work.
He praised the QAU staff for preserving top position among other universities. He advised the students to consume their potential for productive purposes and work for the development of the country. He said that he is aware of the problems faced by the employees of the university and soon their longstanding request of establishing housing scheme will be fulfilled. Nayyar Bokhari congratulated the degree holders and wished them a bright future.
QAU Vice Chancellor Dr. Masoom Yasinzai while speaking on the occasion said the university was established in 1967 and now known as one of the best institutions in the world.
The university has started four years BS programs on trial basis, which has got a lot of appreciation and it will continue to present more programs in the future.
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