
Working women in Pakistan are being blatantly exploited by their employers and deprived of basic labor rights. If compared to male co-workers women in the private sector earn 40% less in wages and work up to 12-16 hours a day without any breaks. Many of these women are raped and sexually abused by their employers and are then denied justice y a corrupt and male dominated justice system.

A female employee can always cope with bad bosses and annoying co-workers but if the situation goes to more than that then it becomes unbearable. Women in Pakistan today are working side by side males but mostly being deprived of the basic rights.

Women stepping out of the house for jobs face number of difficulties. Women office-goers are the major sufferers not only in the offices but their harassment starts right from the public transport which despite being equipped with separate ladies compartments are centers of harassment issues. Once reaching office they then step into a different world. Not all employers are alike but majority here do not give respect to ladies.

Women are mostly tortured mentally due to these environments as they are just taken as a source of pleasure and entertainment. However, there is an earnest need to polish our minds. Societies cannot be upraised only by males. This is a factual statement because women in our society are working side by side males in every field.

Unless better working environment al conditions are offered to them, we cannot excel in any field. Previously I just gave one example of harassment but daily there are number of examples we can see in newspapers and other sources of media which is heart rendering for everyone.

Article By:
Amna Rehman
MA Social Sciences
Punjab University

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